bot running

The Forums Bot

The forums bot is a program that automatically reads and responds to posts on the Awful Forums. It can be customized to do different actions. You can control it using the command line or with the control panel. Here’s an example version of the bot control panel hosted on GitHub pages.

This page tells you how to set up a copy of the bot and the control panel on your computer.

To set up the SA Forums posting bot you will need to install Git, install Node.js, clone the forumsBot repo, then run one of the forumsBot setup scripts. You can run a setup script that will automatically host instructions for your bot on a GitHub pages website, or you can run a setup script that will just set your bot up on your local machine.

You can look at a copy of the bot instructions here:


  1. Install Git

    Install the version control software Git.

  2. Install Node.js

    Install Node JavaScript. The forums bot is written in JavaScript. Node is the program that lets you run it on your computer. This will also install Node Package Manager (npm). NPM is used to download JavaScript software packages.

Note: you need a version of Node that supports Optional Chaining

Minimum of Node 14.0. [Link to Node 14.5](

Note 2: You need NPM 6.14 or later

OK, so NPM needs to be upgraded to 6.14.5. BUT, if you update node to 14.5, then NPM will refuse to update itself. So *if you already have npm installed*, update npm to the latest stable version before you install node 14.5.

npm install -g npm@latest
If you don't already have npm installed, the latest version of npm will be installed when you install node.
  1. Clone the forumsBot repo

    A “repo” (short for repository) is the address where files that make up a computer program are stored. “Cloning” a repo is making a local copy of it on your computer.

    The forumsBot repo is here:

    Using the command line, clone the forumsBot repo onto your computer.

     $ git clone

    This will create a new folder named forumsBot.

Now you have a copy of the bot code on your computer. But you still need to install the software packages and provide some information to make it work.

Setup With or Without Hosting Online Instructions

The bot instructions are generated automatically based on your bot’s settings. The bot instructions page tells other users how to use your bot.

You can look at a copy of the bot instructions here:

Option 1: Set up the bot and automatically host a copy of your bot’s instructions on publically viewable github pages website

Setup the bot and host instructions on GitHub Pages

This will set up your bot locally and automatically set up a copy of your bots instructions on GitHub pages. Your bot can link to these instructions every time it posts, so people will know how to use your bot.

You’ll need a GitHub account.

  1. Go to GitHub and login.

  2. Create a new repo.

    new repo

    Don’t initialize the repo with a Readme.

    Name the repo whatever you want.

    I suggest something like “instructions”.

  3. Using the command line, navigate to the root folder of the forumsBot repo.

    You will need 6 pieces of information to get the bot fully running
    * SA Forums Account Username
    * SA Forums Account Password
    * The botName: the name you want people to call the bot when they give it instructions
    * A password for your locally running bot control panel
    * Your GitHub Username
    * The name of the repo you just created to host the instructions

  4. Run the npm script fullSetupWithInstructions. This is case sensitive.

    $ npm run fullSetupWithInstructions
  5. Answer the forumsBot setup prompts

    Setup will prompt you for the SA Forums Account Username, SA Forums Account Password, the botName, and the local control panel password.

    • SA Account Username and Password



    If you want the bot to work, you need to give it a working SA Forums Account Username and Password. If you don’t care if it actually runs, you can skip these steps. You can change them later in the “Credentials” tab of the control panel.

    • botName


    If you want the bot to work, you need to give it a botName. The bot will look for posts that start with the botName in order to recognize when posters are giving the bot instructions. You can change the botName in the “Credentials” tab of the control panel.

    • Control Panel Password required

    cpanel password

    The local control panel password is the password for the local control panel. The control panel is password protected. If you don’t set a password you won’t be able to login to the control panel.

  6. Answer the Instructions setup prompts

    github username

    At the prompts, enter your github username and the repo name.

    github repo

    Enter just the repo name, not the full repo url. The repo name is case sensitive.

    github repo name

    After you have answered the prompts, the instructions setup script will run.

    The instructions setup will generate an instructions website based on the settings of your bot. This website will be hosted on GitHub pages using the repo that you created. When you make changes to how your bot works, you can use the control panel or the command line to update the instructions website.

    Curious about how the instructions script works?

    ** You may have to enter your github username and password ** The instructions script pushes changes to the repo you just created. Depending on your github command line settings, you may be prompted to enter your github username and password. This prompt is from the git command line, not from setup. Just enter your username and password and git will then execute the commands and the setup script will continue.

  7. Control Panel Will Start Automatically

    After the script has finished installing, it will start the bot and the control panel running. The control panel will open automatically in a web browser.

    If the control panel doesn’t open automatically, you can get to it by opening a web browser and going to ‘localhost:3000’

    When you aren’t logged in the control panel will display instructions on how to use your bot.

  8. Login to Control Panel


    Click the ‘cog’ icon in the upper left and enter your control panel password to log in.

    Once you have logged in to the control panel you can use the bot controls and edit the bot settings.

  9. Use control panel to change settings and run the bot

    watching Threads

    The bot “watches” all threads that the SA account has bookmarked. To add threads that the bot interacts with, login to SA and bookmark the thread. You can remove threads by unbookmarking them on SA or in the ‘Threads’ tab of the bot control panel.

    bot Bookmarks


    Click ‘Run Once’ to scan all bookmarked threads.

    The bot’s activity will be displayed in the Log Viewer.

Updating Instructions

When you change the settings of your bot, like by changing the botName, bookmarking or unbookmarking a thread, or turning an action on or off the instructions shown by your local copy of the control panel will also change.

The instructions on the GitHub pages website won’t update automatically. But you can update the instructions on GitHub Pages two ways.

  • Using the Control Panel

Run the control panel. Click the ‘save’ icon in the TopBar of the controlPanel. This will update the instructions.json file in the instructions module and push the updates to the gh-pages branch of your repo. The changes will then be visible on the instructions website.

save instructions

  • Using the Command Line

Navigate to the root folder of the forumsBot. Run the npm script uploadInstructions.

$ npm run uploadInstructions

The script will update the instructions.json file in the instructions module and push the updates to the gh-pages branch of your repo. The changes will then be visible on the instructions website.

You’re (mostly) Done

That’s it! Kind of.

The bot is now up and running, but a lot of the actions the bot can take won’t work until you add the API keys that they depend on.

For example, your bot can’t post a tweet until you add the Twitter API key.

Your bot also can’t host images on Imgur until you add the Imgur API Key.

How to add API Keys to your bot

Option 2: Just get the bot working and don’t bother hosting instructions online.

Setup Bot (No Online Instructions)

You will need 4 pieces of information to get the bot fully running

  • SA Forums Account Username
  • SA Forums Account Password
  • The botName: the name you want people to call the bot when they give it instructions
  • A password for your locally running bot control panel
  1. Run the fullSetup script

    Go into the forumsBot folder and run the fullSetup script.

     $ cd forumsBot
     $ npm run fullSetup
  2. Answer the setup prompts

    Setup will prompt you for the SA Forums Account Username, SA Forums Account Password, the botName, and the local control panel password.

    • SA Account Username and Password



    If you want the bot to work, you need to give it a working SA Forums Account Username and Password. If you don’t care if it actually runs, you can skip these steps. You can change them later in the “Credentials” tab of the control panel.

    • botName


    If you want the bot to work, you need to give it a botName. The bot will look for posts that start with the botName in order to recognize when posters are giving the bot instructions. You can change the botName in the “Credentials” tab of the control panel.

    • Control Panel Password required

    cpanel password

    The local control panel password is the password for the local control panel. The control panel is password protected. If you don’t set a password you won’t be able to login to the control panel.

    After you answer these prompts, the setup script will start the bot and open the control panel in your web browser.

  3. Control Panel Will Start Automatically

    After the script has finished installing, it will start the bot and the control panel running. The control panel will open automatically in a web browser.

    If the control panel doesn’t open automatically, you can get to it by opening a web browser and going to ‘localhost:3000’

    When you aren’t logged in the control panel will display instructions on how to use your bot.

  4. Login to Control Panel


    Click the ‘cog’ icon in the upper left and enter your control panel password to log in.

    Once you have logged in to the control panel you can use the bot controls and edit the bot settings.

  5. Use control panel to change settings and run the bot

    watching Threads

    The bot “watches” all threads that the SA account has bookmarked. To add threads that the bot interacts with, login to SA and bookmark the thread. You can remove threads by unbookmarking them on SA or in the ‘Threads’ tab of the bot control panel.

    bot Bookmarks

    bot Buttons

    Click ‘Run Once’ to scan all bookmarked threads.

    The bot’s activity will be displayed in the Log Viewer.

You’re (mostly) Done

That’s it! Kind of.

The bot is now up and running, but a lot of the actions the bot can take won’t work until you add the API keys that they depend on.

For example, your bot can’t post a tweet until you add the Twitter API key.

Your bot also can’t host images on Imgur until you add the Imgur API Key.

How to add API Keys to your bot

Important Bot Commands

When you want to start the bot, you have to do it using the command line.

$ npm run bot

This command starts a script that uses concurrently to run both the bot API server and the control panel at the same time.

While the bot (or the server, or the control panel) is running, hit ctrl+c in the command line window to stop it.

$ ts-node-dev server

This command runs just the bot API server.

$ cd controlPanel
$ npm start

These two commands will start the control panel running on its own. If the bot API server is running, it will display information about the bot. If the bot API server is not running it will be mostly blank.

$ cd instructions
$ npm start

These two commands will start a local copy of the hosted instructions webpage running.

$ npm run uploadInstructions

This command will deploy the current version of the instructions to the GitHub pages website.