What Does the setupHostedInstructions Script Do?

The script sets up the bot instructions page to be pushed to the blank repo you just made. The page will be hosted on GitHub pages.


The forumsBot repo has two other repos inside it as Git submodules. When you clone forumsBot you also clone the submodules, the instructions and the controlPanel.

  • forumsBotControlPanel The forumsBotControlPanel is in the controlPanel folder in the forumsBot repo. The control panel shows instructions, the log viewer, and lets you control the actions of the bot and change its settings. It just runs locally.

  • forumsBotInstructions The forumsBotInstructions duplicates the instructions display part of the control panel. It is designed to be public facing and cannot access any confidential information. The files for this submodule are in the instructions folder in the forumsBot repo. These files are put into your git repo and displayed on GitHub pages.

The instructions pull their information from a file called instructions.json. instructions.json is located in the instructions/src folder. instructions.json is generated from information from the config.json file in the root of forumsBot and also information pulled from the forums.

GitHub Pages

The instructions setup script does the following steps:

  1. It changes the package.json file in instructions. It changes the homepage property to the GitHub pages url of your repo.

  2. It sets the remote origin url of instructions to your repo instead of the original forumsBotInstructions repo url. That means that when files are changed and the instructions submodule is pushed, the new files will be pushed to your repo.

  3. It generates the instructions by reading the config.json file in the forumsBot root folder and by fetching information from the forums. It then saves the instructions as instructions.json in the src folder inside instructions. The instructions website will read from this instructions.json file and display the information.

  4. It runs the npm deploy script in the package.json file in instructions. The deploy script is set to run a GitHub Pages command, gh-pages -d build. This command takes the files that make up the React project in instructions and turns them into static files that can be hosted on GitHub pages. Then it pushes the static files to a branch named gh-pages in your repo.

  5. GitHub pages takes the files from the gh-pages branch of your repo and serves them as a website.


The instructions on the GitHub pages website won’t update automatically. But you can update them two ways.

  • Using the Control Panel Run the control panel. Click the ‘save’ icon in the TopBar of the controlPanel. This will update the instructions.json file in the instructions module and push the updates to the gh-pages branch of your repo. The changes will then be visible on the instructions website.

  • Using the Command Line Navigate to the root folder of the forumsBot. Run the npm script uploadInstructions.

$ npm run uploadInstructions

The script will update the instructions.json file in the instructions module and push the updates to the gh-pages branch of your repo. The changes will then be visible on the instructions website.